Monday, December 17, 2007

Love & Relationship

The lights are dim,soothing music playing in the background with the cool air of the ac giving one shivers, lots of whispers and other 'noises' in the background....... Dirtymind :P this is the scene I get to see every week in a theatre before the movie starts. Week after week I see hundreds of couples, some totally lost in each other, some being just good friends, some wondering if they are with the right person and some with a grumpy face because they didnt want to watch the movie in the first place.
Inspite of the wide spectrum of feelings among the couples, the fact is that there is force which binds them .Is it love ? Its such an explicable feeling is love.I dont think anybody can decipher love.You dont know why you like her yet you always think of her. I feel people take too much liberty with the word love. Ultimately we humans are self centered. We all wish there is someone special for us. It is this desire for a companion that binds couples.
Wow, as I write , I am able to explain things which I too didnt understand or had not thought of! Some people say love is all about understanding a beautiful soul and looks dont matter but I beg to differ. Love is a blissful feeling of attraction towards something that is beautiful to your soul. Thats all is love. What is beautiful differs from soul to soul.Some souls get attracted to her looks and some to her nature. What matters here is the attraction and not the cause for it. After this you start liking everything about her and this is love.Later even if she changes (her nature or looks), it doesnt matter because everytime you think of her, you relive the the feeling when you first fell in love with her.This is love : pure and simple.
What complicates matters is the human desire to possess something which is beautiful. And this attempt to gain possession can lead to a painful experience. If we dont achieve what we desire we are heartbroken. Once we possess something we desired , another human quality which comes into picture is greed . We feel satisfied at our accomplishment and eventually get bored of it and aim at something 'better'.
Relationships sustain because of various reasons. One is just the love for each other. Second is that you are possessive and hence you cannot imagine a life without her. So you learn to adjust and sacrifice and compliment each other. Third is that you have put in a lot of effort to get into a relation and hence you dont want to let go of it as you feel you will have to struggle again to find someone else.And lastly some people are relationship clings who just cant live alone. They always need someone to be there for them.
One major question which comes in mind is if love is a true feeling why do some of us cheat her or take advantage of her feelings for us.The answer to this is simple. It all depends on how good a person you are. As a relationship builds there is a fusion of love and conscience . How much you love depends on how good you are at understanding people and how much you care for their feelings.If you have these qualities, your conscience blends with love and becomes a stronger feeling which leads to this state called 'Devotion'.If you dont have these qualities, then love may not be enough to sustain the relationship.
'Anyone can fall in love but Devotion is something above lesser mortals'