Wednesday, May 7, 2008

What it takes to focus

I am having a slight headache and feeling really sleepy. I couldn't concentrate properly in my German class as well. And why? Because I didnt sleep early last night inspite of knowing that I would probably be in this state if I didnt do so. I was watching this wonderful movie - The Guardian. It was too good to miss.. But actually if I think , life has always been like that. There is always something which is not in my scheme of plans but it appears too good to resist. How do I focus? How do I tell myself that I have to sacrifice something to achieve something bigger in life. I feel the ability to focus is what differentiates the highly successful people from the rest. My experience tells me that it is not enough if I am just talented. I need to have the focus to give my 100% at things which I am supposed to do. I need to realise that this is the first step towards fully utilizing my potential and perhaps figuring out my goal in life. I need to have shot term plans - say a one week plan and I should stick to it no matter what. I need to be able to say no to any kind of distraction. This experiment of focusing on my day to day life may not show instant results but eventually it will affect my life as a whole positively.

Monday, May 5, 2008


Life's been funny actually. I always thought that once I reach the state of happiness , I can then set out to fulfil my goals and perhaps figure out the purpose of my life. How does one define happiness? What makes me happy today may not matter to me tomorrow. My interactions with an anonymous friend has cleared this cloud of misconcepton which has been lingering over my head from many years. This state of happiness is an illusion. The desire for happiness is created by HIM( who?) so that we spend our energy in looking for it.Our thought provoking conversations(with the friend) has taught me a very important lesson - Stop Thinking and Start Doing. It may seem to be very trivial . I too always felt that I knew what this means. But it turns out that I didnt. There are innumerable things which I've always wanted to do in life but I was waiting for "Happiness" to get started on these. But this never happened and now I wonder what was the connection between the two? I had come across many people who always kept themselves busy by taking part in some or the other activity. I used to think that this is a sign of weakness, it is not right to keep oneself busy just to have a clear mind, one should do things for the love of it. But I was wrong in my thinking. Does one need to be happy to figure out his purpose in life? How can one be happy before one does the things which give him happiness!!(paradox eh?) Im so glad that I've finally set out on my journey and I'm loving it so far. Managing so many things in parallel (things I love) is giving me so much pleasure. My thinking has broadened and it is having a positive impact on my life. There is a long list of things to be done and I'm really excited about it. I've never been happier in my life