Friday, July 25, 2008


I am: the only one of my kind
I think:
a lot!.
I know:
I will always remain young at heart.
I want: to possess a supernatural power
I have:
tons of energy
I wish:
I had the power to change the way life works
I hate:
Nothing.. I don't like the word hate.. it has too much of negative energy
I miss: all the girls i've had a crush on
I fear: that one day I might die without having done all that I ever wanted to.
I feel:
bored easily if I'm idle
I hear:
I smell:
I crave:
for love
I search:
for some unanswers
I wonder:
when the tide will turn
I regret:
about one thing. Not enough space to explain
I love:
dance,ice-cream, shopping, movies
I ache: ?
I care:
for everyone I consider a friend
I am not: who you think I am
I believe:
everything happens for a reason though it may not seem fair at times
I dance:
quite well
I sing:
sometimes. I used to be quite ok at it
I cry:
I don't always:

I fight:
only with myself
I write:
I win: an argument
I lose:
hope sometimes
I never: harm anyone
I always:
think from my heart
I confuse:
people around me
I listen:
to all genres of music
I can usually be found:
watching a movie, dancing , orkuting
I am scared:
of ghosts, darkness, water,dogs
I need:
a mentor,role model
I am happy about: ?
I imagine:
that one fine day I become famous