Monday, February 8, 2010

Women and me

With some insight from blinky(Sushma), I have tried to analyse why I've not found the right girl yet. And I have answers!! I am a die hard romantic. I wear my heart on my sleeve. I am emotionally dependent. I've realized that I fall for women who are pretty and different . By different I mean talented, not conventional. Since these women have these qualities, they have enough on their plate already, they have a lot of fan following, they have a lot of options.They tend to be emotionally independent. This gives rise to a glaring mismatch and can cause her and me a lot of pain. So what do I do about it? I dont know. I cant change myself from being emotionally dependent nor can I fall for someone who is not pretty. These two factors are out of my control. Hence I can only try falling for someone who is not so talented... I guess.