Friday, January 14, 2011

True Love

The question is does true love exist. When does one experience it. I believe each of us can experience true love when we are innocent. Generally we are all innocent in our teens.. When you love someone then, you truly love that person. You don't think about the future or try to reason things in any manner. You are ready to do anything for that person.You just simply love that person. A lot of grownups tell what we experience in our adolescence is just infatuation and you experience true love when you are mature. I show all these people my finger because this is a flawed logic. When we get older, we become mature and wise. We reason out everything. By the time we are in our mid twenties, we have gone through quite a lot in life: success in academics/work, disappointments about missed opportunities, heartbreak(s). The effect of all these factors is that we filter out a potential partner based on what we have been through. Ofcourse that initial attraction is always required even before we segregate potential partners but what we feel then is not the same as what we do when we are innocent. Everytime you have a heartbreak, you become a stronger individual but a part of you dies with it. You move on, but you don't love someone the way you used to earlier. Some of us(the lucky ones) are still innocent at heart even when we age. So if you think you still have an innocent mind, then true love might be around the corner :)