Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Dance Explicated

Dance is a means to connect with your soul. When there is fusion of delectable music and an eye catching dance move, the pleasure one receives just fills the whole body. One can actually feel the energy soaring on the inside. I can compare it to an aura which is blinding people around or the first rays of the rising sun when it is in between two mountains.The more you practice the better you get at it. And the joy is directly proportional to how well you dance. I've realized that a true dancer doesn't dance well for the accolades he gets but just for the pleasure of dancing well.
Dance is also indicative of people's personality. There are different kinds of people in this world but they all seem to connect when on a dance floor. The way a person talks is dependent on the people he interacts with , the way he is brought up and his social circle. The way you are when on a dance floor is what you truly are because you dance from your soul which is not bound by any worldly matter.
In partner dancing you also learn how to behave with ,treat the opposite gender. You end up becoming a better person :)

Sunday, November 11, 2007

One always has a choice

Ever heard of people cribbing that they have too much work and hence dont have a social life? Everytime I hear this it makes me laugh . But ofcourse I do it on the inside only! You keep hearing people say that you alone are responsible for your fate and yet they dont realize its not the work which is hampering their social life . Instead it is the greed for money(more work=>better appraisal) which is the culprit. One always has a choice to maintaining a healthy balance between work and personal life. Yes it may mean that you may not be the performer of the quarter but then who cares! You should realize that there will always be some work pending. There is no point in sacrificing your personal life for something which doesnt have an end.

Sunday, November 4, 2007


Hope-Something to live for,
Something worth fighting for.
Does become cliched at times,
The meaning not clearly understood!
One ought to ask-If
hope is something worth living for,
What is it that gives hope.
These are the little moments in life
When one gets the utmost joy.
When one feels within -
Ah!This is life!
When the going gets tough,
Time slows down.The axe of
life gunning for your head.
At this moment, the most treasured moment
flashes in front of one's eyes.
Giving one a reason to live for,
To escape from the claws of the monster within.
Hence,appreciate those precious moments
For they will save you time and again.
Remember,nothing glorious about fighting till death
Because the best part about life is life itself!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Online friends

Making friends with strangers on net is certainly not the same as meeting someone new. No matter how much you get to know about the other person , he/she ends up being just an email id to you. For example, you happen to come across someone new in say a social gathering. All you do is just smile at that person once. But still you feel like you can trust that person. Compare this to an online friend with whom you have shared thoughts for a few months. You still wouldn't feel comfortable disclosing your contact details or meeting that person! I am not here to say what is right and what is not. Its just something to think about. I feel trust is more dependant on your instincts rather than the time you spend getting to know the other person.
Moreover the quest for a friend online is just an illusion . You always feel that one more try and you re there . But that never happens. One could always blame the few imposters who have misused the anonymity which is available. But I still feel there is hope.
If you ask me what the solution is , I would say dont wait for months to gain a persons trust. You just trust your instincts and ask the person if u re more than just a email id ! If the other person doesnt trust you then , its not going to change in the future also. So you have to just move on and the cycle continues :)