Sunday, November 11, 2007

One always has a choice

Ever heard of people cribbing that they have too much work and hence dont have a social life? Everytime I hear this it makes me laugh . But ofcourse I do it on the inside only! You keep hearing people say that you alone are responsible for your fate and yet they dont realize its not the work which is hampering their social life . Instead it is the greed for money(more work=>better appraisal) which is the culprit. One always has a choice to maintaining a healthy balance between work and personal life. Yes it may mean that you may not be the performer of the quarter but then who cares! You should realize that there will always be some work pending. There is no point in sacrificing your personal life for something which doesnt have an end.


vishwachetan said...

peer pressure also

Unknown said...

I totally agree with G here!
I have learnt it the hard way! he he!

By the way was i the one who inspired u to write this blog G?

ankiththeone said...

ha ha :) ya man... harki... 60% credit goes to you. and the rest to many other people who crib about work :P