Saturday, November 3, 2007

Online friends

Making friends with strangers on net is certainly not the same as meeting someone new. No matter how much you get to know about the other person , he/she ends up being just an email id to you. For example, you happen to come across someone new in say a social gathering. All you do is just smile at that person once. But still you feel like you can trust that person. Compare this to an online friend with whom you have shared thoughts for a few months. You still wouldn't feel comfortable disclosing your contact details or meeting that person! I am not here to say what is right and what is not. Its just something to think about. I feel trust is more dependant on your instincts rather than the time you spend getting to know the other person.
Moreover the quest for a friend online is just an illusion . You always feel that one more try and you re there . But that never happens. One could always blame the few imposters who have misused the anonymity which is available. But I still feel there is hope.
If you ask me what the solution is , I would say dont wait for months to gain a persons trust. You just trust your instincts and ask the person if u re more than just a email id ! If the other person doesnt trust you then , its not going to change in the future also. So you have to just move on and the cycle continues :)

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